Private 1:1 session – These take place in the comfort of your own home . With 8-10 hours of class time , we discuss everything . From The history of Hypnobirthing , hormones in birth , birth partner roles , breathing techniques and plenty more in between. You and your birth partner will be fully prepped for the big day and ready to boss your birth. You will also receive a welcome pack , and my full support up to the birth of your little one.
The condensed course – These are again ran from your home , but is more a whistle stop tour of the above and is a 3/4 hour session . Aimed at those who are short of time , or have done a hypnobirthing course before. You will receive a welcome pack and my support up until the birth of your little one .
The power hour – This 1 hour session is aimed at those wanting to discuss a particular subject around birth preparation . Or practice some techniques for the big day .
Group sessions– Keep an eye out for my group sessions . These will be in a local venue , where you can come along and meet other mums/ dads to be and enjoy the full course together .